Modern and Smart tractors
If we've to name a piece of traditional machinery associated with farming also the first thing which comes to our mind is a tractor. Tractors have been associated with farming since decades and now with the arrival of technology, the modern tractors have a wide range of usage. It can be used for the process of tilling, plowing, sowing, landscaping, spreading fertilizers, cleaning bushes, harvesting and post harvesting operations.
Modern tractors can be categorized under three categories-
- Compact tractors – They're primarily used for the light processes like furrowing, hauling, landscaping, etc.
- Mini compact tractors – They're meant for general level activities like tiling, mowing, and small level landscaping activity
- Utility tractors – They're meant for addressing the complex tasks of seeding, spraying, harvesting food crops etc.
Not only does the modern tractor give a great range of usability but at the same time, the machinery with the help of modern technology has been made adaptable to take care of different complex farming methods and the machines are powerful to take on the extra heavy tasks too.
In the last few years, we've seen the arrival of smart tractors which can drive themselves in a straight- line using GPS capabilities, monitor soil and input parameters, detect plant disease, and adjust application rates using variable rate technology as required.
Sando Motors provide the best Tractors Sales and Service.
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