FAQ on Electric Scooters?
Increase in prices of fuel has made people think about an alternate cheap and sustainable mode of transportation. Switching from petrol vehicle to battery- operated vehicle is what people are preferring but they clearly have questions about e-mobility in India.
Is it safe to ride an Electric Scooter in the rainy season?
Yes, it's safe to ride it in the rainy season as it operates on DC voltages of 48V-72V. So you need not worry about the shocks that occur with AC inventories. Whereas, the motors used within are IP65 waterproofed which protects it with water outside.
What are some Benefits of Buying an Electric Scooter?
• They're highly provident. Within1.5 years you can actually save the money equivalent to the amount of electric scooter to the amount you'll spend on petrol fuel.
• Electric Scooter are extremely low conservation scooters. Hence running cost reduces further.
• You'll really help save the environment as there's air or noise pollution made by Electric Scooters.
Can Electric Scooters be charged at home?
Yes, charging an electric powered scooter is as easy as charging your cell phones. It can be charged by a regular 6 Amp socket with ease.
What's the battery life of electric scooters in India?
In India, we've a present temperature of around 30-40 degree celcius therefore VRLA battery with 300-350 life cycle lasts around 1-2 times whereas lithium-ion with 1500 lifecycle last around 3-4 years.
Sando Motors provide the best Electric bike Sales and Service.
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